The Vision Begins

1960s: A Young Boy with a Dream

  • 15-year-old Deepak Prakash Baskota visits the Darjeeling Hills in India.
  • Inspired by the flourishing tea plantations, he returns to his village, Phidim, with a dream to start a tea farm to help lift his community out of poverty.

Facing Rejection

Early 1970s: A Bold Pitch

  • Baskota proposes the idea of starting a tea farm to the villagers.
  • Unfortunately, the elders reject the idea, refusing to give him land for the project.

A Seed is Planted

Late 1970s: The Dream Takes Root

  • Unfazed, Baskota and his wife begin planting tea seeds in their own backyard with the help of close friends.
  • After four years, the skeptical villagers witness the success of his efforts, realizing that tea production is possible.

The First Harvest

1980s: The First Harvest

  • After years of hard work, Baskota and his wife harvest their first crop of tea.
  • The villagers are amazed by the quality and quantity of the tea, and soon, the news of the successful tea farm spreads throughout the region.

Expansion and Growth

1990s: Expansion and Growth

  • The tea farm expands, and Baskota's vision of creating a sustainable tea industry in Nepal begins to take shape.
  • The farm becomes a model for other tea farmers in the region, and Baskota's reputation as a pioneer in the tea industry grows.

Entering Leadership

Late 1970s – Early 1980s: Entrepreneurial Spirit

  • Despite initial setbacks in registering his tea garden as a cooperative, Baskota perseveres, registering it as a "domestic industry."
  • His venture becomes the Kanchanjangha Tea Estate & Research Center, a pioneer in organic tea production.

A Leader Emerges

Early 1990s: The Rise of a Cooperative Visionary

  • Baskota's leadership in forming Nepal's Cooperative Board in 2048 BS is recognized as a game-changing move, likened to a phoenix rising.
  • His commitment to cooperative development earned him the title of the "Father of Cooperatives."

Offers of Leadership

Mid-1990s: Choosing the Right Path

  • Agriculture Minister Shaileja Acharya recommended him as a member of the National Cooperative Development Board,
  • But later Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala recommended him for the post of presidency of the National Cooperative Development Board, Which he accepts.

Global Expansion

2000: Taking Nepal Tea to the World

  • Baskota establishes Shargila Agro World (SAW) to market, export, and package organic tea from Kanchanjangha Tea Estate, taking Nepal's tea industry to international markets.

A Legacy of Dedication

A Lifelong Commitment to Agriculture and Cooperatives

  • Prime Minister Koirala praises Baskota's dedication to his tea garden and the betterment of agriculture in Nepal.
  • Baskota's legacy lives on through his tireless efforts in both the tea industry and the cooperative movement, benefiting farmers and communities across the nation.
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